Road flares are an essential part of any traffic safety kit. Highway flares are critical in letting drivers know to slow down and move over in the event of a car accident, road hazard, or other emergencies.

However, if not used properly, there can be safety risks to fire crews, police departments, and the community at large. Knowing how road flares work and the available options to you can help keep your crew and community safe.

How Road Flares Work

Road flares emit a bright red or orange light, making them easy to spot in the dark and from far away. With handheld flares, this light is created through an oxidizing chemical reaction that is triggered by striking the flare against its base. The heat and light produced by this reaction make it possible for emergency responders, drivers, and other passersby to see how to approach a scene and how to respond to any safety risks.

Road flares come in various sizes, shapes, and colors. The most common types of emergency flares are plastic-based sticks that break open when struck against the base, exposing a wick inside. When lit, these flares burn for about 15 minutes.

Another common form of emergency flare is the flare gun. This type of safety flare is fired from a pistol-like device and can reach distances of up to 300 feet. When lit, it can be seen for miles. While this makes them great for alerting large groups of people to emergency personnel presence, they are also more dangerous than other incendiary flares due to the risk of gunpowder combustion.

How To Ignite a Road Flare

It’s important to read the instructions for how to use a road flare before attempting to ignite one to oncoming traffic. The key steps for how to light a road flare include:

  1. Make sure the area is clear of any flammable materials.
  2. Strike the base of the flare against a hard surface until it breaks open, exposing the wick.
  3. Light the wick with a match or lighter and wait for it to ignite.
  4. Place the flare in an upright position, away from flammable materials, and be sure to stand back as the flame may travel along the wick.
  5. Wait for several seconds before moving away from the area to make sure the flare is securely lit.
  6. Allow the flare to burn for the required amount of time, usually 15 minutes.
  7. Once the flame has died down, remove the flare from its position and store it properly in a safe location. Make sure to properly dispose of the flare as well.

How Long Road Flares Last

On average, a road flare will last for 15-30 minutes. During this time, it should emit a bright light that is easily visible in the dark. After 15-30 minutes, the flame will die down and the flare will become inactive. It is important to remember to replace any used flares once they have gone out in order to ensure that traffic safety crews are always prepared for an emergency situation.

If your department uses LED flares, then these last for much longer and do not need to be disposed of.

How To Dispose of a Road Flare

Once the flare has been burned, it must be disposed of properly in order to prevent any risk of a fire or chemical spill. The best way to dispose of a road flare is to place it in a metal container filled with water and let it cool down before disposing of it in an appropriate waste disposal facility.

Safer Alternatives To Traditional Road Flares & Flare Guns

With the advancement of modern technology, there are now safer alternatives to traditional road flares. Many traffic safety crews have begun using LED road flares, which offer a bright and long-lasting light without any risk of flammability or chemical spills.

LED Sequential Flares

LED sequential flares are a great alternative to incendiary safety flares. LED flares provide a sequence of flashing lights that can be seen up to two miles away, making them ideal for roadside emergency situations. LED sequential flares can be activated with the push of a button and offer hours of light, making them far more reliable than other types of road flares in your emergency kit.

Additionally, LED sequential flares are waterproof and rechargeable, so they can be used again and again without having to replace batteries or buy new lighting products. This saves law enforcement agencies, fire crews, and other traffic safety departments that carry flares money in the long run.

LED Sequential Lamps

LED sequential lamps are a great way to light up an area with minimal effort. These lamps feature powerful LEDs that can produce a bright and long-lasting glow without any heat or fire hazard from the road flares burning. They also come in various sizes and colors, so you can easily find one that suits your needs and attaches to your traffic cones.

LED sequential lamps offer superior visibility compared to traditional lighting sources, making them an ideal choice for emergency situations. Additionally, they use very little power and can last for hours before needing to be replaced, giving you peace of mind knowing that your lights will always be ready when you need them most.

Alert Drivers Faster With pi-lit Sequential LED Flares

Road flares are essential tools used by traffic safety crews to alert drivers of potential hazards ahead. However, traditional flares can be dangerous to use and may not always provide the visibility needed to alert drivers quickly.

Pi-Lit offers innovative sequential LED systems with unique patented technology in order to create a safer and more efficient way to alert drivers in emergency situations. Contact us today to see how pi-lit can help your department save money and lives.

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