Many types of road flares are available on the market, but not all are created equal. In fact, some may even be dangerous if misused. So, how do you know which LED road flares are the best for your traffic safety efforts?

When choosing road flares for your specific needs, it’s important to consider the individual features and how they can help your department. By doing so, you can rest assured that you have the best possible tools for keeping yourself and others safe on the roads. No matter the specific type of flare, sequential lights consist of the best LED road flares for traffic safety efforts.

Why Choose LED Emergency Road Flares

With their bright, long-lasting lights and versatile design, LED road flares are a great choice for any traffic safety efforts. Not only do they help you alert other drivers to oncoming hazards, but they also improve visibility in all weather conditions. And with their durable design, long shelf-life, and easy-to-use functionality, LED roadside flares are a reliable and efficient choice for any department.

Return On Investment Opportunity

Sequential LED flares provide a unique return on investment (ROI) opportunity for police departments and fire crews. The ROI on an LED flare is greater than that of a traditional emergency road flare because they last longer and can ultimately help your department save more money in the long run.

Sequential LED flares may be more costly upfront but will save your department money in the long run. We’ve crunched the numbers so you don’t have to. One Canadian police department saved $273,000 USD per year when switching from traditional fusee flares to six sequential LED safety flares in their roadside emergency kit.

Longer Lasting

It is typical for road crews and first responders to use around $60 worth of traditional road flares for only a 30-minute scene. With sequential LED flares, you don’t have to worry about constantly relighting flares. Simply deploy your LED road flare and turn it on, and then retrieve it once you’re ready to go.

Pi-lit sequential road flares, for example, are battery-powered flares that boast a 20+ hour runtime depending on the flash pattern you use. They’re powered by a Lithium-ion rechargeable battery with only a six-hour charge time if your batteries completely deplete.

Safer For Crews

Sequential LED flares are safer for your crews than traditional flares, as they provide greater visibility and less risk of accidents. Because these devices have a sequential flashing pattern, drivers will have no trouble seeing them on the roadways when approaching a broken-down vehicle or hazard. They also come with additional safety features to keep you and your team safe on the job.

Drivers Slow Down and Move Over Faster

Whether you’re dealing with an oncoming car or truck, the bright lights of sequential LED flares will alert drivers to your presence faster than a traditional flare. As a result, drivers tend to slow down much faster and move over to give your team space on the road. Drivers also tend to prefer sequential LED flares because there is less glare compared to other flares and hazard lights on top of vehicles.

No Smoke Inhalation

Traditional flares can be dangerous for your crew if they are exposed to prolonged smoke inhalation. Basic flares can also be extremely harmful to both your eyesight as well as respiratory health. If not used correctly, these flares could result in serious injury or even fire caused by clothing ignition when hit with its deployment. With LED road flares, however, you need not worry about exposure to smoke inhalation, fumes, or toxic chemicals.

Save Your Pants

Tired of flying through uniforms when striking incendiary flares? With sequential LED flares, you don’t have to strike anything. Just another perk of the latest technology.

Less Environmental Impact

Traditional flares can be dangerous for the environment. Traditional flares can emit toxic fumes that can cause health issues and are bad for the planet. This can be extra dangerous in states prone to wildfires, like California. In addition to causing fires, traditional flares that are not properly disposed of can poison water supplies, which is dangerous for residents in your community.

By comparison, LED road flares are safer both for crews and the environment since there is no smoke or chemical risk, making them an excellent choice for any traffic safety efforts.

Types of LED Road Flares for Traffic Safety

When it comes to traffic safety and LED road flares, there are many different options to choose from. It all depends on the exact needs of your department. Whether you opt for lamps or flares, these flares are highly visible from a long warning distance, giving drivers plenty of time to move over and slow down.

Sequential LED Road Flares

Sequential LED road flares are a great choice for most traffic safety efforts. With their bright, sequential lights, they help alert drivers to oncoming hazards quickly and efficiently. And with their durable design and waterproof housing, these types of flares can be used in all weather conditions, making them an ideal choice for any department or law enforcement organization.

Sequential LED Lamps

Another option for traffic safety efforts is sequential LED lamps, which allow you to take your traffic cones to the next level. These types of flares utilize high-intensity, bright LEDs to provide long-lasting light that can be used in all weather conditions. With their versatile design, they can also easily attach to other equipment or vehicles, making them a great choice for departments that need additional visibility on the roads for oncoming traffic.

Cloud-Enabled Smart Devices

Cloud-enabled smart devices also send alerts regarding damaged or misplaced items so your department can track inventory with ease. The smart devices by pi-lit also connect with Apple Maps and Waze so you can alert drivers five miles in advance when your flares are deployed.

Remotely controlled cloud-enabled smart devices connect your work zone to the cloud and ITS systems. Cloud-enabled smart devices provide information and reports about your taper’s location, including location data and how long your lane closure has been impacted.

Light The Way with pi-lit

If you’re looking for reliable and effective tools to support your traffic safety efforts, LED road flares are an excellent choice. With their long-lasting brightness, ease of use, and safety-focused design, LED emergency roadside flares are the clear choice for traffic safety professionals everywhere.

Sequential lighting technology from pi-lit makes it easier for drivers to see and slows down. Our LED sequential flares are available with rechargeable or alkaline batteries, which can be charged for years before needing to be replaced. This allows you to make sure that your road flare is always ready when needed.

Our high-quality models boast a 50k-pound crush strength as well as a range of up to 50 feet between flares. Some other key features of our roadside flares include:

  • Battery life of 20+ hours
  • Four flash modes to choose from, including two sequential, one simultaneous, and a steady mode
  • “Pair” mode system
  • Automatic synchronization of flares
  • Preferred pattern settings
  • Deployment order setting
  • Gravity activation mode settings
  • Crush resistant
  • 2-year warranty

With pi-lit, you can be sure that you and your team are always safe and well-equipped on the roads. To learn more about our LED road flares, contact us today.

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