For road safety managers, knowing when a safety device is struck and compromised is critical. From traffic signs to guardrails and road markings, it’s essential to ensure road safety elements are working correctly so that when the next driver impacts a cushion or guard rail it does its job.

By connecting road safety devices to the cloud, road safety managers can access real-time data about their road equipment from anywhere with an internet connection and make decisions based on these data. Learn more about how an Impact Detection System can benefit your department by saving you time and money.

Road Safety Management Systems Save Lives, Time, and Money

Cloud technology has revolutionized road safety asset management. By monitoring safety assets with cloud technology, traffic safety and maintenance personnel can do their job more efficiently. Municipalities, contractors, and state agencies can be alerted by technology rather than people when a safety device is struck and compromised.  This allows for more cost-effective deployment of personnel.

What is Asset Management?

It’s 11:00 pm; do you know where your Hill and Smith® Smart Cushion (SCI) is?  Do you know how many you have?  If a Trinity® device is recalled, do you know where they are?  When was the last time your Lindsey device was repaired?  And how much did the repair cost?  All of these questions, and more, constitute data points that management should have at its fingertips… but doesn’t.  In addition to alerting personnel when a device is struck, keeping track of thousands of critical safety devices is not a task that should be left to humans in 2023.

Road safety asset management can be a labor-intensive process requiring manual inspections and paperwork. But now, traffic safety professionals have the technology to make asset management easier and more efficient. With this useful tool, road safety managers can easily monitor traffic safety assets with real-time updates, anytime and anywhere.

Existing Guardrail Dangers

This new, safety-oriented methodology is especially helpful in preventing deadly accidents and the challenges related to Frankensteined guardrails (when a guard rail is repaired with improper parts, resulting in an essentially nonfunctional guardrail). If a car crashes into an attenuator on the roadside, Frankensteined guard rails or broken, ineffective equipment can make the accident worse, as seen in states like Vermont and Georgia. Both of these states are currently investigating their guardrails for this very reason.

pi lit impact detection system on guardrail

Benefits of a Road Safety Management System

Cloud technology has revolutionized road safety asset management, and road safety managers can now rest easy knowing their traffic safety assets are in good hands. Cloud-based software enables road safety managers to track traffic safety assets with real-time updates, so maintenance teams can respond quickly to any road safety issues.

Data Rich but Information Poor? Data Reporting & Accident Analysis: 

With cloud technology, road safety managers can keep their roads safe and secure. With analytics and reporting capabilities, managers can get an overall view of accident data and infrastructure performance quickly and easily.

By analyzing impact history and collecting data from specific locations, businesses can gain valuable insight into device performance, cost-effectiveness, and safety standards. This information from all the collected data helps you make informed decisions for greater efficiency and success for your department’s road safety measures.

Stay Connected with Your Management System

Cloud technology helps traffic safety managers stay connected to their traffic safety assets. By tracking road safety elements with cloud-based software, traffic safety professionals can receive notifications for any changes in conditions or malfunctions, ensuring safe urban mobility.

This means maintenance teams can be alerted to any traffic issues and asset conditions quickly and respond faster. With cloud technology, road safety teams don’t have to worry about manual paperwork since data can be automatically stored and shared.

Save Money on Road Maintenance Interventions

Not only do cloud-based asset management systems help road safety managers stay connected to their traffic safety devices, but they also help them save time and money by reducing manual inspections and paperwork. This can also make it easier to evaluate budget allocation, as you can know exactly what parts you need to order and when, and can work with different budget scenarios.

How To Monitor Traffic Safety Assets with Cloud Technology

The road ahead is safer thanks to cloud technology. Road safety asset management is easier than ever with powerful data tracking and analytics that make road maintenance more efficient than ever before.

pi lit impact detection system broken attenuator

Experience the pi-lit® Difference

At pi-lit®, our Impact Detection System™ (IDS™) draws on the power of cloud technology. This road asset management system allows traffic safety professionals to monitor equipment with real-time updates so potential road safety issues can be addressed quickly and efficiently.

Our powerful data analytics and reporting capabilities provide managers with an overall view of protection devices at lower cost and more reliably than the current state of the art.  And we do so while saving taxpayers’ money.

pi-lit impact detection system

Through its innovative mesh radio network of sensors located on critical protection assets, data can be sent to a single cellular modem – drastically reducing overall costs and fees associated with monitoring impact events. The IDS™ immediately notifies staff that an event has taken place so that they can take swift action for better preparedness. Receive up-to-the-minute notifications when any road safety equipment is affected. Now, you can be sure that potentially hazardous issues are addressed and remedied instantly, leaving your roads safe for all.

Want to see how our IDS™ can help your department? Contact us today to see how we can work together.